best bangs of Siti Haryanti Hj Hairolanuar

My photo
Bandar Baru Bukit Gambir, Muar, Malaysia
...Aku menyintaimu kerana agama yang ada padamu. JIKA kau hilangkan Agama pada dirimu, MAKA hilanglah cintaku padamu...

Monday, August 23, 2010

13 ramadhan... 1431 nk citer la sikit... (nnt bru share ilmU)

Assalamualaikum n slm sejahtera readers.....

skang da jam 4.43ptg... ari ni aku meluangkan ms ku dgn ke sana dan ke mari... alhmdllh, apa yg dihajati tercapai ke thp yg boleh dibanggakan. hahahah. mcm ape ntah ek... xde la...

target ari ni:
  • g pulangkan tesis Anas Abdullah (foreigner from Jordan, mata hijO, da kawin) kt Prof Ishak Hashim, my superVisOr... heee~ settle. alhmdllh.
  • g jumpe kak ruwaidiah (akak ni ngah wat phD, malay, pn da kawin)... jumpe akak ni, tnye derivation for Rayleigh number... ade akak tu ajar lam kelas tp beborak ngn kak atOon, so... miss sikit... da lega da td tnye... tp kne tgk balik mlm ni... takut trus hilang ditiup angin sepoi2 bahaasa... :P settle. alhmdllh.
  • g LIBRARY... sje gne capital letter... hehehe. jarang Sgt g library kn... so, rs syukur la settle kes peminjaman buku. 11 buah buku ok i pinjm... hahaha. 1 buku cerite... Mangsa Maut... buku citer ni, asalnye buku org putih... aku oinjm yg da dterjemahkn... kbetulan tnampak... :P settle, alhmdllh...
  • g post opis, da janji ngn adikku hafiz nk wat kn jadual waktu kelas dia... aku print siap liminate lg tawwwww... hehehe. kasik dia smangat BELAJaR... ske2 . da post, gne setem 5poCen... settle, alhmdllh.
  • g singgah kedai cnderamata ukm... beli sticker kete... almaklum, org da bawak kete. hahaha. POYOs ek... ske2. cme sticker ukm xbyk pilihan... xcntik pn... hm beli je la... settle. alhmdllh.
then trus balik... grk dr hostel (kolej pendeta za'ba) kul 12.30tghri, pulang semula kul 4.30ptg... STRUGGLE kn aku arini... kelas xde... so ke sana ke mari... :P

dlm pjalanan pulang tu, nasib baiiiiik my SAYANG calling2... thibur sikit n hilang trus rs penat... hikhikhik. gatai... hm... sayangku pn kelakar, so sweet... lawan ngn aku yg pn gegiler... layannnnnnnnnn... :))) hati tgh bbunga riang. alhmdllh. cbe tgh majuk or selisih phm... moOdy ek. xbeshh... masyam, mucuk je... lalala~

xpe la. da jam 5.00ptg... aku kne bsiap2 ni. dlm kul 5.30++ptg aku kne g msjid. bbuka di sana harini... bkn save budget (cover2***)... nk solat terawih (depends***)... insyaAllah...

korang, Selamat Berbuka Puasa yeee~

mulakan dgn bissmillah n kunyah ngn kurma... ha? bc la doa ke ape ke... kn...... k la... wslm...


6 Self-Motivation Techniques ya buddies~

Do you find that you have a lack of self motivation at times? You can learn a hundred ways to improve your life, but then hesitate to act. Something less important catches your attention, or you just don’t feel like doing what you need to do. Even if you are normally a motivated person, there may be times when you have a hard time getting started on an important task.

what i want to share with you are here...

1) Find a true interest in what you are doing: If you have no interest at all, it might mean you need to do something else. On the other hand, if it’s just a task you dislike, relate it clearly in your mind to the greater goal. I don’t particularly like to drive, but I don’t have a motivation problem when I am driving to the mountains for a vacation for example. :)

2) Create energy: You need some energy for self motivation. Caffeine may help for a while, if it doesn’t create other problems for you. You can also exercise and sleep well. (***,) Watch out for sugary foods – the “sugar blues” will kill your motivation. When you find energy boosters that work for you, make a list and keep it handy for future use.

3) Talk your way to motivation: If the task itself is less inspiring, talk about the larger goals it will help you achieve.

4) Stimulate desire: Imagining their potential future motivates many to sign up for get-rich-quick plans. Good salesmen can put you in your imagined dream home in minutes, and you’ll feel motivated to do anything to make it real. Why not learn to be your own salesman? its hard for me... really2 hard.

5) Stimulate pain: An effective Nauru-Linguistic Programming technique is to link pain with not acting. This is what happens when you finally stop hitting that snooze button on the alarm because you think you might lose your job. Imagine any bad consequences that may occur if you don’t do what you need to do.

6) Start with any small step: I have found that if I commit to raking up one bag of leaves, I soon want to finish the yard work. Training yourself to take any small step towards your goals is a great self motivation technique. Breaking larger goals down into small steps makes this even easier.

These motivation techniques really work, but don’t ask me how to get motivated to use them. Anyhow, you already were motivated enough to read this far, so you’ll be fine. Oh, and humor is technique number seven. Laughing can overcome that feeling of being overwhelmed that sucks away self motivation.